Effective for all skin types. Tridoshic. Helps with pitta inflammation, irritation, and Kapha dull skin, excess oil, clogged pores.

Dissolve the entire contents of this single-use soak in a warm bath. Place the herbal sachet in the water and allow the revitalizing essence of the herbs to infuse the bath. Relax, enjoy, and let the timeless tradition of Ayurveda dissolve your troubles and restore you to a perfect sense of natural balance.

Ingredients: Sodium Chloride (Deep-Mined Ancient Sea Salt), Magnesium Sulfate (Therapeutic-Grade Epsom Salts), Sodium Bicarbonate (Aluminum-Free Baking Soda), Organic Eucalyptus Globulus (Eucalyptus Leaf), Calendula Officinalis (Calendula Flowers), Organic Arnica Montana (Arnica Flowers).

Muscle Relief Bath Soak




This deeply soothing single-use Ayurvedic bath soak is a luxurious and restorative spa therapy you can enjoy in the comfort of your home, or anywhere you like. With three salts that recreate the ocean’s salinity and the salinity of your own cells, and traditional herbs that nourish and rejuvenate, this ancient hydrotherapy helps us return to our most balanced and optimal state.

Effective for all skin types. Tridoshic. Helps with pitta inflammation, irritation, and Kapha dull skin, excess oil, clogged pores.

Dissolve the entire contents of this single-use soak in a warm bath. Place the herbal sachet in the water and allow the revitalizing essence of the herbs to infuse the bath. Relax, enjoy, and let the timeless tradition of Ayurveda dissolve your troubles and restore you to a perfect sense of natural balance.

Ingredients: Sodium Chloride (Deep-Mined Ancient Sea Salt), Magnesium Sulfate (Therapeutic-Grade Epsom Salts), Sodium Bicarbonate (Aluminum-Free Baking Soda), Organic Eucalyptus Globulus (Eucalyptus Leaf), Calendula Officinalis (Calendula Flowers), Organic Arnica Montana (Arnica Flowers).


Calendula Flower

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant-rich, nourishes, hydrates, soothes, and heals not only the skin, but, as its herbal benefits soak in, the underlying muscles.

Arnica Flower

A staple of athletes, is deeply anti-inflammatory and stimulates the flow of white blood cells, helping to reduce swelling and pain in muscles and joints.

Natural Salts

Mineralize, cleanse and purify, reducing stress, fatigue, and soreness.

Find Your Ritual

  • Step 1: Use essential oil in diffuser.

    Using an essential oil diffuser along with the bath makes it extra relaxing and comforting.

  • Step 2: Enjoy your bath.

    Use the muscle relaxing bath in warm water.

  • Step 3: Body oiling.

    Use a body oil after the bath for extra soothing comfort to your muscles, as well as to deeply hydrate the skin.

Rest to Balance Vata – oil diffuser blend
Muscle Relief Bath Soak

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